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Travel And Camping: RV Safety And Security

Importance of RV Safety

RVing is a unique way to get away, and for most people, it is a familiar option compared to hotels or traditional camping: it feels like home. RVs provide better comfort over traditional camping and are relatively cheaper compared to A-rate hotels.

While RVing is pretty safe, you can never go wrong with a little more caution. Preparing and adhering to safety guidelines will help keep your family and valuables secure. When buying or renting an RV, it is essential to note all the risk factors and assess your ability to counter them. Here are a few tips to ensure your safety and that of your RV.

Be Mindful of Your Campground

We can all agree that there are safer areas than others. Before embarking on your journey, do a little research on the places you wish to visit and camp. This will help you know the services available within the area. Additionally, heat maps will help you check an area’s crime rate. This allows you to know safe places beforehand.

Whenever you camp, you should also park your RV in a ready-to-leave position. This allows you to exit quickly when you need to.

Carry With You a Copy of The Manual

Rarely do well-maintained RVs have issues. This is not to mean nothing ever goes wrong. Manuals come in handy in these rare circumstances; they act as points of reference. You will not have to call for services; this saves you time and money. Digital copies of manuals are better since they are searchable and allow you to find what you are looking for easily. If you have any doubts, the internet can provide a wealth of information, all you need to do is search.

Do Not Be on The Roads at Certain Times

A report by the NHTSA states that most accidents happen between 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.; Saturday accounts for most of these. Furthermore, it reports that fatal crashes are four times higher at night than in the day. You can limit driving at these times and ensure you get an RV with a high safety rating to avoid accidents.

When driving on the road, maintain a safe distance between you, the next vehicle in front. It gives you plenty of time to stop in case anything happens on the road.

Be Extra-Vigilant When Staying in Remote Areas

Remote areas offer exciting and new experiences. However, most of these areas are far from service personnel like EMTs, police, and firefighters. That could mean a delay in getting help. It is essential to weigh your options and take precautions when venturing out into remote areas.

Other tips include:

Always locking doors and windows

Camping in a well-lit and visible area

Having your RV sufficiently fueled

Renting Out Your RV

When renting out an RV, you have to take a few measures to ensure its safety. RV safety is paramount, especially after paying a hefty sum for it. You get good earnings from renting an RV but ensure you get back your RV while it’s in good shape.

Here are some tips to ensure your RV comes back in good shape.

Check Licenses And Identification

Driving an RV is not hard. It does not require any special skills; all you need is some practice. Most people have no experience in operating an RV. That said, you should check the renter’s license before handing your RV to them. This ensures that they are competent on the road, which lessens the risk of accidents and prevents you from running repairs.

Install a Tracker System

When you don’t have your RV in sight, it’s essential to have another set of eyes to track the RV. This system enables you to observe movements and is handy if the driver gets dodgy. That will also help put you at ease as you will have some sense of control.

The Bottom Line

RVing is pretty safe. All you need to do is prepare and adhere to these safety measures; you can then have the best RVing experience stress-free. And while experts warn that COVID-19 is here to stay and advise you to limit contact with other people; RVs allow you to do this while still vacationing. Get the fun going! Rent an RV from RVnGO and enjoy savings of up to 40% on your RV rental. Listing your RV is also free; list your RV and let RVnGO connect you to the best renters out there.

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