Top 10 Yard Games to Play on Your RV Vacation

Camping in an RV rental is a fun experience for the whole family. Creating new memories and spending quality time together during the camp. Naturally, renting an RV combines fun and flexibility. Enjoying your Hotel Room on Wheels has clear advantages. RV rentals, makes exploration endless. When you’re not exploring the nearby attractions or boating or hiking, you will no doubt want to play some games.

There are plenty of activities and games for the family to participate in while on the weekend getaway or extended vacation. While camping, one of the best things to do is to play yard games at the campsite. This will give people the ultimate bragging rights by being the king or queen of the campsite.  Here is our top 10 Outdoor games to play on your next RV Camping Trip to make the time even more enjoyable.


There is a brand new game that came out and it is getting a lot of people attention called Cup Check. This is a fresh take on tossing a frisbee back and forth. It takes the frisbee and found a new way to make it even more fun that it was before.Cupcheck frisbee game RVnGO

The simple game was created by Kevin Jepsen involving a frisbee, 4 poles and 4 cups while attending a NASCAR event in Phoenix Arizona in 2016. The kit of the Cupcheck game consists of a disc, 4 cups, and 4 poles. Your opponent can either pass the disk between your poles or hit your cups atop each pole.

You can set it up anywhere! Perfect for playing games with friends and family at the campsite while you are RVing. This game will test your dexterity and your awareness as well as putting your teamwork to the test.

 Read more about it here.

Bean Bag Toss aka Cornhole

One of the most iconic and recognized games that symbolizes outdoors and camping. Cornhole is also commonly referred to as bean toss. Cornhole is a campsite favorite because you can bring multiple sets of boards and hold a tournament and see who the best at the RV campsite is. Or just play friendly games to for fun while you are hanging out at the campsite. Cornhole RVnGOThere is nothing more satisfying that when you throw a bean bag and you just know that it is going in the hole.

The simple overview of the game is that it consists of 2 boards and 8 bags (4 bags per player). If you hit the board with a bag, then you earn 1 point. However, getting the bag through the hole of the board earns you points.

Some people decorate the board with their favorite sports team colors and logo or even College. I’m sure you’ve seen them at tailgate parties. The game is typically played with four people, two on each team. Teammates stand on opposite boards and play against an opposing player.

Each player gets four bags and throws one after the other until all the bags are on the other boards. If you land a bag on the board that counts as one point, but if it lands in the hole then it counts for three points. At the end of a round, players will count how many points each thrower made.

The points cancel each other out, for example, if your team scores three points but the other team scores four points then the other team gains one point for that round.  The first team to reach twenty one points are the winners. You cannot forget the most important rule, if you make all four bags in the hole on one turn, get out a marker and sign the boards!

Kan Jam

Kan Jam sharpens your discuss-throwing skills. Its kit contains 2 plastic cans that have a slot and open-top. To play the game, you can either slot the disk through the can or just hit the can with the disc.

Kan Jam is a relatively newer game but has been gaining a lot of popularity due to the simple yet fun play of the game. Kan Jam RVnGOThe set up is very easy and can even be replicated by using a trash can or something circular to throw a frisbee at.

It is another convenient game that is easy to bring on trips and does not take up much room. This game takes teamwork, skill, and a little bit of luck but once you get the hang of it, it is addicting to keep playing.

Like most yard games, it is played with two teams of two, one on each side. The set of Kan Jam games comes with two cylinder shaped buckets /cans that have a small slit on the side. The goal of this game is to score twenty one points and beat the other team.

Each team will take turns throwing a frisbee at the bucket in hopes to score points, each team member will throw and then switch to the other team throwing. When your team is throwing, you have a thrower and a receiver.

The thrower will throw the frisbee at the bucket and the receiver will do their best to make sure the frisbee hits the bucket. The receiver does this by hitting the frisbee into the can. You have one hit to assist the frisbee to attempt to hit the can. You can score one point with a “dinger” or when the receiver assists the frisbee into the can.

You can score two points if the thrower hits the can without any assistance from the receiver. Three points are scored if the receiver can “slam dunk” the frisbee into the can. Lastly, if the thrower makes it into the slit of the can without assistance it is called a “Kan Jam” and it instantly wins the game.



A classic game that people can play while RVing is horseshoes. The game kit consists of two sets of horseshoes and two stakes. Each set of horseshoes has its color that matches with the color of the stake. You have to aim at the stake and slot the matching horseshoes when playing the game.

This is a fun game that is usually at campsites if you did not bring your own set. However, it does not take much to set this game up. You just need some horseshoes and two stakes you can spike into the ground. Ever heard the expression close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades? Well finally you can take advantage of being close when playing this game.

The game is played with either two people or teams of two people. Each thrower gets two throws per “inning” or round. Throwing both horseshoes before the other thrower throws both of theirs. Points are decided by how close the horseshoes lands to the stake.

If the horseshoe lands fully around the stake this is called a “ringer” and is worth three points. If there are no ringers scored, then the nearest horseshoe to the stake will be given one point. Points per team cancel each other out so if both were to score three points during a round, then no one will be given points for that turn. The game is won once one team gets to twenty one points. This is an easy and simple game that can be brought on any vacation and entertain you and everyone else for hours.


Yardzee is the larger version of the Yatzee dice game based on Poker. The object of the game is to roll certain combinations of numbers with five dice. At each turn you throw dice trying to get a good combination of numbers; different combinations give different scores.

You have to roll 5 dices in 13 rounds when playing Yardzee. Afterward, you can either accept the points of the first roll, re-roll 1 dice, or re-roll all dices to the highest points set.

Paintball or Airsoft or Laser Tag

For the more adventurous and aggressively athletic you can play Paintball or Airsoft. Paintball RVnGOYou require a face mask, paintballs, paintball gun, hopper, and a compressed air tank to play the paintball game. Or Airsoft gun and pellets. The rules of the game are simple – shoot at your opponents. You can have different variations of the games like Capture the Flag or King of the Hill, Attack & Defend, etc.

One obvious concern we need to address is care for the environment and animals, so we strongly urge you to purchase and use only Biodegradable BBs and paint pellets. Make sure to use Paintballs that are biodegradable, and water-soluble. They won’t stain clothing and all ingredients used in their making are food-grade quality.


The less aggressive version where players don’t get his with a projectile is Laser Tag. You just need laser tag guns and laser sensors for the players to wear. When the player hits a sensor, that player is hit and is on timeout until the sensor turns back on.


Spikeball is a fairly new sport that’s sweeping the nation. It’s commonly referred to as the love child between volleyball and four-square. It was originally created in 1989 by Jeff Knurek and called “Roundnet”, although the equipment he created for the game became outdated and lost popularity in 1995.

The sport experienced a revival in 2008 when Spikeball Inc. began promoting it. The company manufactures equipment for the sport, and so “spikeball” became a common name for the sport. There are multiple ways to play.

The most common way is played 2 vs 2, with a taut hula hoop sized Spikeball net placed between the teams. A player starts a point by serving the ball down on the net so it ricochets up at his opponents. You have to bounce the ball on the net (set on the ground) towards a playmate when playing spikeball. You can play the game in twos or fours.

Each team is allowed 3 touches before they have to hit the ball down into the net. Then the next team gets to it around up to 3 times and so forth. If you mess up and don’t hit it back into the net the other team gets the point. Spikeball is played to 21 points and your team has to win by 2 points.

Giant Jenga Tower Game

Love Jenga? 

Then it just got bigger! Encourage teamwork and cooperation – or a little friendly competition – with this Giant Tower Game,

get your whole family involved. You can also play the game at night using glowing blocks. Be creative and write extra actions on the blocks to make the game even more interesting and fun!


The Croquet set consists of red, blue, yellow, and black balls; a hoop, and a peg. It is a singles’ game where each striker has only one turn hit a ball and score a hoop. Croquet can be played by two, four or six players 

The object of the game is to hit your ball(s) through the course of six hoops in the right sequence in each direction and finish by hitting them against the center peg. The side which completes the course first with both balls wins.

Ladder Golf

Another popular game that many campers play while RVing is Ladder Golf or Ladder Toss. This is a more unique set up that requires you have all the playing pieces to make sure it is set up right. The kit of the game features two sets of bolas and ladders. To play the game, you throw the bola to rung it on the ladder.

You need a ladder toss board which has three poles or rungs connecting to the stands and looks “ladder”. You also need to have special bolas which are two golf balls connected by a rope.

This game is fun when you want to switch it up and do something a little different at the campsite. The feeling watching the bolas swing and wrap around the rungs is very fun and satisfying to feel. It makes you want to keep playing round after round.Ladder Golf RVnGO

The way you play the game is similar to other lawn games where it can be played as one versus one or two versus two. The first team that reaches twenty one points wins the match. Points are scored based on where you land your bolas. From top the bottom the poles or rungs are given point values, one point of the lowest rung, two points for the middle rung, and three points for the top rung.

Each player has three bolas they can throw per round and take turns throwing one after the other. You can cancel your opponent’s points out by knocking off their bolas or making yours on the same rung. If you can make a bola on each run (top, middle, and bottom) or if you can make all three on one rung then you score one bonus point during that round. Repeat these steps until a winner is decided!

Make It Your Own

These are some of the most popular and fun yard games you can play during your RV rental vacation. If these don’t do it for you, you can always find more games to play, change the rules, or even make up your own new game! That is the best part about playing games with friends and family at the campsite. 

You have the freedom to have fun and make it your own, it is not that serious. There are many other types of games you can play during your vacation such as card games and drinking games. Just remember to make the most of your trip and have as much fun as you can!

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