101 Guide: How to Clean Your RV Rental

Are you planning on renting an RV for your next vacation? RVs are a great way to see the country and have all the comforts of home while you’re on the road. But before you start packing up your bags and hit the open road, there are a few things you need to know about how to clean your RV rental.

In this blog post, we’ll share some expert tips on how to keep your RV clean and in good condition. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about RV rentals and cleaning. So whether you’re a first-time renter or a experienced RVer, be sure to read on for everything you need to know about cleaning an RV rental!

1. Gather Your RV Cleaning Materials

ow that you know the basics of cleaning your RV rental, you need to be sure to gather the materials you’ll need to get the job done. Depending on the type of rental you have, some items may be provided, while others you’ll need to bring yourself. Here’s a basic list of items to have on hand before you start cleaning:

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Towels and sponges
  • Gloves
  • Mild soap
  • Carpet cleaner
  • Upholstery cleaner
  • Glass Cleaner
  • Trash bags
  • Multipurpose cleaner


Having the right materials for the job will make cleaning your RV rental fast and easy. Once you have gathered all of your supplies, you’ll be ready to start your cleaning routine.

2. Empty Your Cabinets and Drawers

At this stage, you need to make sure that all cabinetry and drawers are emptied. Doing this will make cleaning a much easier process, as you can give extra attention to both the interior and exterior while they’re empty. Plus, it will make it easier to spot any dirt or debris that’s been left in the RV.

Be sure to double check that all cabinets, drawers, cubbies, and closets are cleared out and nothing has been left behind. Once you’ve verified it, you can move on to the next step of the cleaning process.

Clean RV bathroom

3. Vacuum Floors and Surfaces

You cannot ignore vacuuming the floors and surfaces when cleaning an RV rental. Even when parts of the RV may seem spotless, there may be dirt and debris that you’ve missed. Vacuuming thoroughly and carefully is the best way to get rid of this. For the ultimate clean, you should use a vacuum hose attachment to get into the nooks and crannies of the RV.

Be sure to vacuum carpets and rugs, upholstery, and anything else that may have collected dust. Make sure to use the brush attachment to really get any dirt, detritus, and other particles out of the way. Once you’re done, you can move onto the next stages of the cleaning process.

4. Wash Your Linens

Before you give back the RV after your rental period, you will need to properly clean the bedding and towels. Doing a thorough job will ensure that the renter after you also gets a clean RV that is ready for use.

Begin by inspecting all the bedding and towels for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice any tears or frays, be sure to inform the rental company of these issues. Any damages must be reported before the return so that if any further cleaning is needed, it can be done and charged to the correct people.

Then, collect all of the linen and towels and run a hot cycle in the RV’s washing machine. Add a high-performance detergent, optionally add a disinfectant, and complete the cycle. For bedding, you will have to find a nearby laundromat and request a separate wash cycle for these items.

Once the washing cycle is complete, you will need to properly dry the laundry. This can be done through the RV’s dryer or a laundromat. Any bedding should be done in the laundromat’s dryers. This will make sure that all of the linen and towels are fully cleaned and will also ensure the durability of these items.

Towels in dryer

5. Clean the Bathroom and Shower

The next step to cleaning the RV rental properly is to make sure the bathroom and shower are spotless. Start by removing all the trash, including toiletries, towels, and linens. Then, use an all-purpose cleaner to scrub accompanied by scrubber brushes. This will help get rid of any dirt and grime that built up during your road trip.

Next, you will want to do a deep cleaning for the shower and bathroom sinks. Start by running hot water in the shower and leaving it running for a few minutes before turning on the shower head spray. This will let the water mix with the cleaner and become steamy and release built-up grime and dirt. Rinse off the shower walls.

Afterwards, use a fresh sponge and a good-quality multi-purpose cleaner to scrub the bathroom sink basin. Finally, wipe down all the shower fixtures and mirrors. This will help get rid of any smudges and fingerprints.

Once completed, you should have a sparkling and sanitized bathroom and shower. This should leave you and the renter after you with a spotless and pristine RV rental.

Clean RV bathroom
Clean RV bathroom

6. Time to Tackle the Kitchen

Now that the bathroom and shower are in tip-top shape, it is time to tackle the kitchen. Start by removing any food items that are inside the cabinets and drawers. Discard anything that is expired or has been opened and wiped the inside of the drawers and cabinets with a damp cloth. You will also want to wipe down the fridge and freezer. Make sure to wipe the top, sides, and around the door handle with an all-purpose cleaner. This will help eliminate any dirt, residue, and debris that have accumulated from cooking during the RV rental. After that, you should tackle the kitchen sink and countertop. Be sure to use a powerful cleaning solution on the countertop to remove any tough stains and grease. Then, use a blend of vinegar and water to thoroughly clean the sink. This will help get rid of any food residue and make the area look spotless. Finally, you will want to sweep and mop the floor. Make sure to get in the corners and around the fridge and stove as well as underneath the sink area. This is an important step as it will help guarantee that the kitchen area is as clean and sanitized as possible.

Man inspecting RV fridge while cleaning RV
Man inspecting RV fridge while cleaning RV

7. Final Touches

Now that the kitchen is taken care of, it’s time to go through the rest of the RV rental and put the finishing touches on the cleaning process.

Start by making sure all the windows, mirrors, and light fixtures are wiped down with an all-purpose cleaner. This will help eliminate any dust, dirt, and fingerprints that may have accumulated during the rental.

Also, be sure to check the couches and chairs for any crumbs, hair, or dirt. Vacuum the cushions and use a damp cloth to spot clean any spots or stains you may come across.

After inspecting the furniture, turn your attention to the floors. Vacuum the carpets and then mop the hardwood or tile floors. This will help them to look their best while also removing any dirt and debris that may have accumulated over the course of the rental.

Finally, finish up your cleaning by running a duster over air vents, door frames, and hard-to-reach areas. This will help make sure the entire space looks as clean and tidy as possible.

Tips for Keeping Your RV Rental Clean

Now that you have the RV rental looking its best, the final step is to take preventive measures to avoid any future messes. This can be done in several ways.

First, be sure to remind all renters of the importance of tidiness. This includes informing them to take off their shoes before entering and to clean up any spills right away.

Remind renters of the need to place garbage in the designated bins and to properly dispose of food and drinks before leaving. This will go a long way in helping ensure the RV rental remains clean for the next renter.

Finally, prepare for any potential messes. Make sure that extra cleaning supplies are always available, including extra mop heads, sponges, paper towels, and all-purpose cleaner. This will make sure that any messes that arise can quickly and efficiently be cleaned up.


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