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Modern Day NomadLand And RVing

The Movie Nomadland Reveals A View of America Rarely Seen on the Big Screen

This is Not a review of the Movie Nomadland, which tells the story of a woman who travels the country in a van after the factory in her town closes and then the town dies with it. She uses this and other events as the catalyst to hop in a van and just Cruise America. Along the way she sees an America that we can all fall in love with again, once we get passed what the politicians and media spin.

This article expands the idea in the film Nomadland of how there really is a large part of America that most of us have not been exposed to. This is a call to GET OUT and see America and Fall in Love Again Or Even More With Your Country and her majestic scenery and her beautiful people, your fellow countymen. Make your own Nomadland RVing across America.

We Are Reminded To Spend More Time Making New Memories.

Before there was an internet and life moved a little slower, we took more time to enjoy the moments spent together without the requirement of a selfie. 

It’s said that what get’s remembered lives. That is also quoted in Nomadland. There is truth to that. It’s important to remember where we came from and our wins and our losses. It makes us who we are today. Remember the family trips, or if you never had any, do you recall one recounted by someone else or a movie about a family trip?

There are a lot of adventures and awesome memories made from these road trips where friends or family Cruise America in an RV or a van. When now is the best time to rent an RV and reclaim that nostalgia of America?

2020 Taught Us To Not Take Anything Or Anyone For Granted.

Time is our most valuable and most limited resource. Once spent, we never get it back. The movie has that familiar message of taking back control and focus on what really matters. 

Don’t die with your dreams of traveling the country unfilled. There is so much beauty that America has at any destination and as you meet the people in different big cities to the small towns and National Parks and campgrounds. You miss ALL of that when taking a plane. In Nomadland, it reminds us that it’s Not just the Destination. It’s the Journey.

And what better journey than with a group of close friends or your family acting out Nomadland, RVing in an RV Rental, cruising America, seeing the worlds largest rubber band, the Meteor Crater, singing songs under the stars by a warm campfire and then sleeping in a nice bed, because, let’s face it, nobody wants to sleep on the ground if they don’t have to. 

You Don’t Need A Life Crisis To Decide To Finally Cruise America In An RV.

The thing about movies or books is that the story typically has a catalyst event or pivotal moment that triggers the main character to take action.

It’s human nature that we don’t take action to do what we know we need to be doing until the pain of staying the same is too great and becomes more than the pain of taking action.

The good news is that we aren’t talking about quitting smoking or going on a diet   or starting a business after a job loss. The message from Nomadland; RVing is a great adventure. But what type of RV to rent? These are important questions to ask before you start your trip. Do you rent a trailer or 5th wheel? What if a towable isn’t really what you want? Perhaps a drivable is more of a match. Would a Class C or luxury Class A be a better option?

Where do ya go in your rented RV? There are several amazing destinations and scenic routes to take. Here are the Top 20 National Parks to check out. Do you want to travel in a moderate climate that stays around 70 degrees? Then read this article – Chasing 70 Degrees – to know how to stay in 70 degrees all year long across the country.

Be A Nomad. Cruise America. Rent An RV

Ok, so the factory that keeps your town alive hasn’t closed. You don’t have any major life crisis to run away from or cause you to rethink your life. You don’t even own an RV but you really want to reconnect with those you care about most; your friends and family and strengthen those bonds, and at the same time, check off the Great American Vacation from your bucket list.

Here’s the great news. You can rent an RV from a trusted RV Owner or RV Dealer through RVnGO. Hit the road with your tight group of close friends for a weekend adventure of making new memories to share with each other. Why limit it to a weekend? You can rent an RV for a week or a month.

Take the time to reconnect with your family and get the children to unplug from the Nintendo and take their noses out of their phones to see the America they haven’t seen in movies or heard about in school. Take the road less traveled and see the small towns across America on the way to a National Park and make a stop at an Alligator Farm like the character in Nomadland

PS – You can rent an RV from a Trusted Host for even 6 months to a year and even do one way trips through RVnGO. But you better do reserve yours 3-6 months in advance as they don’t last long.

While you’re at it, why not make it a Wellness Retreat and really recharge your batteries?


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