
Camping Fun When You Forgot The Board Games And Cards At Home

Part of the fun of camping is playing games and enjoying outdoor activities. That said, many camping games and activities require equipment. This is a problem when traveling in an RV, as space is at a premium and sometimes you just don’t have room for the kayak, golf clubs, and surfboard.

The solution to this problem? Equipment-free camping games and activities! There are plenty of wonderful things you can do in the great outdoors without any equipment at all. By choosing equipment-free camping games and activities, you can save room in the RV for the things you really need while still having an awesome time spending time outdoors and reconnecting with family and friends.

Not sure what kinds of camping games or camping activities you can do without a bunch of gear? That’s where this article comes into play. Below, we’ve listed 16 awesome things to do while camping, and not a single one requires you to pack anything extra!

Equipment-Free Camping Games

Let’s start with camping games that don’t require equipment. Some of these are group games, while others can be played with just a couple of people—but all of them are 100% fun.

I Spy

A great game to play either at the campsite, in the car on the way to the campsite, or even while out on a hike, “I Spy” is 100% equipment-free and a good camping game for almost all ages.

To play, one person chooses a single thing they see and describes it using one adjective to fill the blank in this sentence: “I spy something ____.” The other players then have to guess what the first player sees.

Round Robin Story Telling

Round Robin Story Telling is ideal for those times when you’re sitting around a campfire, but can also be fun on the road or while out hiking. It’s lots of fun and almost always leads to laughs.

One player begins by telling one piece of a story. The other players then take turns adding pieces onto the story one at a time. The last player finds a way to wrap up the story.

Tag (or Freeze Tag)

Tag is a classic game that pretty much all kids love. There are many variations of this game, giving you plenty of ways to change things up should the original version get old.

To play the original version of tag, choose one player to be “it.” This person chases all other players, trying to tag one of them. When a person is tagged they become “it” and the game continues.

Another version of tag is freeze tag. In this version, “it” tries to tag other players again. However, this time those who get tagged must freeze in place and can only be unfrozen by another player who is both not “it” and not frozen. The goal is for “it” to freeze everybody simultaneously. Depending on how many players there are, this can actually be quite tricky.

Simon Says

A silly game that doesn’t require so much energy, Simon Says is sure to leave everyone in your group giggling. It works for most ages and is a great game to play at the campsite.

First, decide who will be “Simon.” This person instructs the other players on what to do, starting most of their instructions by saying “Simon says…” For example, they might say, “Simon says pat your head” or “Simon says jump up and down.”

As long as Simon says “Simon says…” before the instruction, all of the players should follow the instruction. However, if Simon does not say “Simon says…” before an instruction, the players should not follow it. If a player is caught following an instruction they shouldn’t, then they are out. The last player standing becomes the new Simon.

Red Light, Green Light

Red Light, Green Light is another great camping game that kids love. It does require some space, so it should be played outdoors and not in a camper.

Before you begin, choose one player to be “it.” This person will stand at the opposite side of the play space from all other players. Where they stand will be considered the “finish line.” All players who are not “it” should line up side by side across from the finish line.

The player who is “it” starts the game by shouting “Green light!” When the other players hear this, they should run as fast as they can toward the finish line. However, when “it” shouts “Red light!” then everyone must freeze. Anyone caught moving after “Red light!” must return to the starting line. Whoever makes it to the finish line first wins and becomes the new “it”


An excellent game if you happen to be staying in the woods where there are lots of places to hide, Hide-and-Seek is sure to delight the whole family.

You will need to start by deciding…

  1. Who is “it.”
  2. What number “it” will count to.
  3. Where the boundaries of the play area will be.

The person chosen as “it” must count to a predetermined number with their eyes closed. Meanwhile, all other players find a place to hide within the boundaries of the play space.

As soon as “it” is finished counting, he or she should call, “Ready or not, here I come!” and begin searching for the other players. The first player found is the new “it.” The last player found is the winner of the round.


Sardines is a variation of hide-and-seek that is extra fun to play when you have a large group of people. It’s also ideal if you can play in the dark. Basically, you are playing traditional hide-and-seek, but backwards.

As you might have guessed, you will start by choosing someone to be “it,” deciding on boundaries, and deciding how high the seekers will be counting.

Once all of that is done, everyone except “it” should close their eyes and count to the predetermined number. Meanwhile, “it” finds a place to hide. When the counting is done, everyone sets out to find “it.” If a player finds “it,” they keep quiet and join them in their hiding place, where they stay until all players have found the hiding place and everyone is squished in like sardines. The last player to find the group becomes the new “it.”

Duck, Duck, Goose

Have little kids in your group? If so, “Duck, Duck, Goose” might be just the game to keep them busy while also keeping older kids entertained.

This game is played with all players sitting in a circle. One person is chosen to be “it.” This person goes around the circle, tapping each player’s head and saying “Duck, duck, duck, duck…” (once for each tap) until he or she reaches the person they’d like to be chased by. When tapping this person’s head, “it” says “Goose!” instead of “Duck.” The “goose” must then stand up and chase “it” around the circle, attempting to tag “it” before they reach the “goose’s” old seat.

If “it” is tagged, they must sit in the “mush pot” (the middle of the circle) until somebody else is tagged and takes their place. If they are not tagged, they remain in the “goose’s” spot. Either way, the “goose” becomes the new “it” and play continues.


A good old-fashioned race is a great way to pass the time. All you need is a wide open space and your legs and feet, and you can have an awesome time!

As you surely know, you can have a traditional foot race by choosing a starting line and a finish line, lining all players up at the starting line, having a referee shout “Go!”, and then having all players run as fast as they can to the finish line. The first runner to cross the finish line wins.

It’s also possible to put fun twists on the traditional foot race. One of our favorite twists is the Wheelbarrow Race. For this version, all players are still racing from one point to another, but they are split into teams of two.

One player on each team must lay on the ground. The second player lifts the first player’s feet into the air and the first player uses their hands and arms to “run” to the finish line.


This game is great for kids and adults alike. It can be played indoors or outdoors, and is good for daytime or nighttime around a fire.

There are a few versions of Charades. For the equipment-free version, keep it simple by choosing one person to be “it” and having them think of an animal, person, or character to act out. They should act this thing out the best way they can while the other players try to guess what they are. The person who guesses first is the next actor and play continues.

Octopus Tag

We mentioned above that there are a number of versions of tag out there. We would have included this version there, but we felt it was different enough to warrant its own spot on the list.

Choose one person to be the “octopus” and decide on boundaries for your play space (or “ocean”). The “octopus” should stand in the middle of the play space. The other players (or “fish”) line up at one end of the “ocean.”

To start the game, the “octopus” says, “I am the octopus, full of black potion – Let’s see if you can cross my ocean!” At this, all the “fish” run, trying to reach the other side of the play area while the “octopus” tries to tag them. If a “fish” is tagged, they become a “crab” and must keep one foot planted where they are while trying to tag “fish” as they pass by.

Once all “fish” have made it to the other side or been tagged, the “octopus” repeats their chant and the “fish” try to reach the other side with the “crabs” and the “octopus” trying to tag them. This repeats until all “fish” have been tagged. The last one tagged becomes the new “octopus.”

The Quiet Game

There are times when ya just need to have some quiet and peace. This is a great exercise to teach children to still their mind. Have them close their eyes and play this video. The one who can be still and quiet the longest wins.


More Equipment-Free Camping Activities

Want even more equipment-free camping activities? Lucky for you, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the great outdoors without extra gear. Here are some of our favorites.


It doesn’t get much more classic than hiking. We love hiking because it allows you to immerse yourself in nature, experience the natural beauty of a place, and get some exercise. Best of all, it costs nothing and doesn’t require any special equipment.

Wildlife Watching

While you’re out hiking, why not try your hand at wildlife watching? Check out the birds as they fly by. What colors are they, and how many can you find? Can you see any squirrels or chipmunks? What about deer? Pay close attention. You might be surprised by what you can see.


Swimming is another one of those classic camping activities that should be on everyone’s to-do list. Yes, it is ideal to have a swimsuit for this. That said, if you forget to pack one, you can always swim in shorts and a t-shirt as long as you’re swimming in a natural body of water and not a swimming pool.

Cloud Watching

Feeling bored while out camping? Look up! The clouds are always ready to put on a show. See what kinds of shapes you can find and make up a funny story about the characters in the sky.


Like the clouds, the stars are always performing for those who take the time to watch. Try staring up into the night sky to find constellations, planets, and other interesting things.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to have a great time while camping without packing a bunch of extra stuff. Should you pack the equipment you need for your favorite outdoor activity? If you have space, sure, but leave the rest at home and try some of these equipment-free camping games and activities instead.

One piece of equipment you will need even if you do play equipment-free camping games? An RV, of course! If you don’t have an RV of your own, consider booking one of our fabulous rental RVs so you can have a fabulous camping adventure that is packed full of fun, games, and memories. If you are planning your trip now, here are some fun yard games for the whole family to play.

online RV rentals from RVnGO

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